The Story Behind The Music
Way back in 1978, I was commissioned by the Rochester Institute of Technology
to compose original music for a film promoting the five disciplines within RIT’s
School for American Craftsmen: Wood, Metal, Weaving, Glass, and Clay; plus
the four disciplines within the School of Art & Design: Painting, Printmaking,
Foundations, and Communications Design. Given the positive new
enrollment results attributed to that film, the Dean insisted that I produce a Vinyl
LP to be distributed worldwide to attract potential students to attend RIT.
Duration: 14-minute 38-seconds

This is a FREE worldwide platform created for the enjoyment of its Readers! Brought to you by the Storytellers & Writers at JeffResnick.com. New stories are produced monthly. Will yours be one of them?
Duration: 1-minute 51-seconds

Join The Self-Publishing Revolution
Take control of your work and master the new developments in today's self-publishing marketplace. Enjoy this Storytelling Adventure, using author Jeff Resnick's journey as an example of how to succeed on your own journey.
Duration: 2-minutes 34-seconds

The Hog Goes To College
The year was 1967. Every word of this story is true. Maybe embellished a little to satisfy my creative urge. But it's a story I remember as if it were yesterday. Then again, maybe it was, in the scheme of things. You'll laugh. You'll remember. You might even want to go back to college! Well, maybe that's a stretch.
Duration: 53-seconds

What Better Purpose for Music?
"What Better Purpose for Music than as a Gentle Rekindling of Emotions so Long Ago Experienced and so Deeply Enjoyed?" Music possesses the absolute power to comfort the soul. Truly, I received far more that I gave of myself. I know you'll understand the ultimate truth as you hear the important Life Lessons I'm happy to share with you.
Duration: 2-minutes 3-seconds

These reflective vignettes are written from the perspective of seniors enjoying the fourth quarter of life. Often funny, occasionally melancholy, but always heartfelt, these universal reflections on life are are the perfect excuse for family communication across the generations.
Duration: 1-minute 43-seconds

Our Earliest Passions
My Earliest Passion was unquestionably Music. From the moment I was given an old trumpet in the fourth grade in Rochester, New York, I sensed a change in my young life. A freedom to explore, if you will. A natural ability that seemed to take over my every thought and dream.
Duration: 3-minutes

So! You want to be a Teacher? Born2Teach tells the other side of the story! This book is must-reading for teachers, administrators, student teachers, college education students, parents, and the general population looking for a few good laughs along the way.
Duration: 2-minutes 48-seconds

A 10-Episode YouTube
Serial Story for a worldwide audience.
Duration: 3-minutes 35-seconds

Mom & Pop
The ad agency executives I met were mostly cast-off radio DJ's, aspiring actors, housewives looking to get out of the house (or maybe out of the "wives"), and the usual assortment of slick operators. Ad agents were at the bottom of the "most respected business people" list, even below lawyers and car dealers! Ouch.
Duration: 3-minutes 35-seconds

SURPRISE, SURPRISE! I feel myself changing into my mother. I look in the mirror and can actually see myself metamorphosing . . . and it’s not a bad thing!
Duration: 4-minutes 7-seconds

I became a member of my “Separatist Society of Zoar.” No, not a religious nut case, just more whiskey and piano and fewer words! Thank goodness I cut way down on the the whiskey, though, which is why I’m still alive to play the piano 47 years later!
Duration: 7-minutes 19-seconds

The Train
The bite of the February wind had Harry jiggling from one foot to the other. His toes were tingling with an itch of pain that no amount of stomping could calm the numbness permeating through the thin soles of his shoes. Pulling his wool scarf up further towards his mouth, he stepped forward to the edge of the subway platform, glancing left and praying for the sight of headlights cutting through the darkness of early dawn. And then . . .
Duration: 7-minutes 6-seconds
The bite of the February wind had Harry jiggling from one foot to the other. His toes were tingling with an itch of pain that no amount of stomping could calm the numbness permeating through the thin soles of his shoes. Pulling his wool scarf up further towards his mouth, he stepped forward to the edge of the subway platform, glancing left and praying for the sight of headlights cutting through the darkness of early dawn. And then . . .
Duration: 7-minutes 6-seconds

On Patrol
It was a routine patrol as the day began.
Anti-submarine surveillance over the North Atlantic.
Duration: 2-minutes 58-seconds

The Stampede
Give the right advice and you're a hero. Give the wrong advice
and you're nothing but a pretender to the throne of Advertising Expert.
Duration: 6-minutes 48-seconds

Show Me!
Did you ever wonder how Cable TV became the media monster it is today?
Duration: 6-minutes 27-seconds

Rez Dog
Man buys HOG. HOG meets DOG.
Is there a winner here?
Duration: 3-minutes 49-seconds

Throw A Party!
Spoiler Alert: This is an important business tool, especially if you're thinking about
opening a business, or, you already operate one. You'll see!
Duration: 9-minutes 20-seconds

The Dream
An old man found himself seated in a centuries old theatre.
Then the concert began.
Duration: 12-minutes 52-seconds

Time Passes So Quickly
1967. Buffalo, New York. A University of Buffalo sophomore is transported to Meyer Memorial Community Hospital where he is diagnosed with Scarlet Fever. A young nurse's aid is tasked with being his care giver. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Duration: 6-minutes 4-seconds

We Are Two Lonely Souls
"We Are Two Lonely Souls" is a true story about a senior citizen couple, married for more than 50 years, who seek physical exercise and mental clarity to escape the Covid-19 Pandemic turmoil. The next 8 months deliver street protests, national violence, and political shenanigans...well, you'll see!
Duration: 7-minutes 5-seconds

The Musician
Music possesses the absolute power to comfort the soul. That’s when I decided to share my gift of Music with people in senior citizen communities, memory care facilities, nursing homes, and homeless shelters. Hungry for the soulful comfort that only Music can offer. I know you’ll understand this ultimate truth as you hear the stories I share with you.
Duration: 32-minutes 24-seconds
Music possesses the absolute power to comfort the soul. That’s when I decided to share my gift of Music with people in senior citizen communities, memory care facilities, nursing homes, and homeless shelters. Hungry for the soulful comfort that only Music can offer. I know you’ll understand this ultimate truth as you hear the stories I share with you.
Duration: 32-minutes 24-seconds

Unlocking The Mysteries of Successful Advertising
Advertising has been called a vicious, competitive, cut throat industry. Should you expect anything less for the very life-blood of your business? Yet Advertising is the most misunderstood business building block. Sooner or later, you'll realize that you're knee deep in kaka.
Duration: 3-minutes 21-seconds

Senioiritis according to Jeff
Look up the word Senioritis online and here’s what you’ll find: “A Supposed Affliction of Students in Their Final Year of High School or College, Characterized by a Decline in Motivation & Performance.” In my dictionary, it’s called Senioritis According to Jeff: “A Demonstrable Cognition of Baby Boomers & Senior Citizens Characterized by a Dramatic Increase in Motivation & Performance.” I’ve had the pleasure of teaching classes in memoir writing across the country. I quickly learned that age is no barrier to success. Rather, age fosters our innermost need to create.
Duration: 1-minute 44-seconds
Look up the word Senioritis online and here’s what you’ll find: “A Supposed Affliction of Students in Their Final Year of High School or College, Characterized by a Decline in Motivation & Performance.” In my dictionary, it’s called Senioritis According to Jeff: “A Demonstrable Cognition of Baby Boomers & Senior Citizens Characterized by a Dramatic Increase in Motivation & Performance.” I’ve had the pleasure of teaching classes in memoir writing across the country. I quickly learned that age is no barrier to success. Rather, age fosters our innermost need to create.
Duration: 1-minute 44-seconds